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Costs and Subscriptions

Costs involved


Rainbows is a great value-for-money way of providing a range of exciting and challenging activities.


We don't want girls to miss out through financial hardship. If concerns about finances may prevent your daughter taking part in guiding or in some activities, speak to your local Unit Leader as some assistance may be available.


Joining fee


All new starters pay a joining fee of £16.  This pays for the Rainbows bag, the Ready for Rainbows magazine, the promise badge and the promise certificate.




Rainbow units charge 'subs' to cover the cost of equipment and hire of the meeting place. These can be paid weekly, monthly or each term. There is also an annual subscription which covers the day-to-day running of the organisation. This is included in the subs. Subs vary from area to area - in our area (Derwent Division) subs are £6 per month.  We ask that all parents endeavour to pay their daughter's subs by direct debit directly to our unit bank account, the details of which are as follows:


Sort code: 16-52-21

Account number: 53704028

We bank with the Cumberland, Cockermouth branch.


Please quote your daughter's name and year of birth (e.g. Zoe09) as a reference so we know who has paid!


There is usually an extra charge for special activities, days out, residential events and holidays. 




Girls can choose items from a range of practical, stylish and reasonably priced guiding wear. However, no girl is excluded from guiding because she does not have the right clothing.


See the guiding online shop ( or order your uniform through our unit!  


Gift Aid


If you pay income tax, Leaders can use Gift Aid to claim back the tax paid at basic rate – that means guiding gets an extra 25p for every £1 you give in subs or donations. When you fill out your joiners form, you will get the opportunity to sign up to gift aid your subs and donations.


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